The Raw Truth: Exposing the Reality of Life Inside CSP
In this interview with Teto he will tell his story of what really goes down here at CSP.
How raw do we really want to keep this interview about the reality of life in prison? Huh… How real do you want me to keep it? I have been a part and have lived a life in prison that most journalists or activists shy away from when it comes to exposing the truth about the conditions or corruptions that have been going on in the DOC of Colorado… Things that most will not dare to question or investigate the truths of what happens in CSP. What I’m about to reveal is so true and raw that my life will end soon and is in jeopardy as we speak… “Why,” you may ask? Because I am proof as well as Freddy of the gladiator fights that were supposedly set up by the officers of DOC that are supposed to uphold the laws and our human rights as prisoners… I have proof! So much proof!
What is worse is that it’s no secret the bloodshed that goes on at CSP. Worst of all, people can see blood coming from beneath the curtains, can hear the screams behind the curtains, and yet they let it happen. So if there is anyone who’s not scared of revealing the truth about CSP and the Wars, bloodshed, stabbing after stabbing… then reach out to me.
I was at one point responsible for calculated, coordinated attacks on my enemies, but it was all for survival. Today, I have been trying to elevate myself through positivity and, most of all, through my art, but even at that, they (CSP) refuse to let me succeed. They want me to continue playing their game of shot caller, aka gang influencer. A legend to those that look up to people that spill blood.
but I refuse.
Now because of it, my life is even in more danger than having my enemies trying to kill me with handmade weapons and combat skills. It’s a fight to the death, literally. This is not made up or fabricated. There is so much proof of what I have said; it’s ridiculous. Why come out with it now, you might say? Because I want a better life for my people. A better understanding, better quality while within these walls. I had a high rank, a lot of members showed love, a lot of respect from my own and enemies, most of all lots of blood on my hands. Yes, for my decisions and actions. Most of all, it’s because DOC and CSP are strategically setting us up to kill each other and to be killed. So I say again, who is not afraid to listen. Fact-check, put the truth out there before they silence us forever because we blew their cover. If I die because I exposed it, then so be it. These blogs I write are the truth of the wars between the north and south, of two shot callers from each side who became brothers and are trying to succeed in life through art and positivity by explaining what’s happening to us and showing that things need to change in the way the prison system is structured. Now DOC of Colorado and CSP are trying to stop us, with MCU as punishment to strategically put our lives in danger.
What will happen to us now…
All that matters is that the truth is told by those who had people’s lives in their hands, either to end it or make it better.
Hold on. Because this ain’t no rabbit hole, this is not Kansas. This is premeditated bloodshed by the state of Colorado and people working within DOC. These are the ones you as citizens of the US put into power through state officials. These are the ones hired to help us rehabilitate and not recidivate. Yet we are worse than we came in. Yes, I do understand that we are responsible for our actions and decisions, but we, the ones who are in this position, see how they purposely set things up for us to get brutally killed through the years. At CSP and now today, there are multiple people that were leaders at one point, and now want to have a better life; we are tired of being tired. We want to better our people, black/white/latino.
The question I ask myself is why do they want wars? Why do they need wars?
Ask OIG, they are good at what they do. They are the ones that play chess with the lives of people at CSP. Everyone knows it. They strategically set up baits so the weak-minded can fall into it. Many self-lockdown doors “Accidentally” open. By the OIG to set up pieces on the Chess Board. This creates fights, stabbings, wars.
What really gets me is how do these staff members go to dinner at night, look their wives and kids in the eyes knowing on their cell phones they have images of the mutilations, the brutality. How do I know they have this? I was one of the important pieces of the chessboard that called the shots to these attacks. So if I am to be charged, then OIG does also as my co-defendants!
I have videos, writeups, where they knowingly know shits about to go down, advising floor staff of stabbings about to happen when those doors “accidentally” open. And they may come in 30 deep with pepper spray, guns, etc., but what they really do is just scream out “let’s breach, let’s breach, they are killing him” when it’s a show for the cameras, but their real intent is to just watch and be entertained or to carry out a higher official’s agenda to profit from or seek vengeance.
In CSP, your best bet for survival is to be in great shape, know how to make weapons and know how to use it. Because staff will not save you; they will find their lazy boy sit and grab the popcorn while saying, “let’s breach, let’s breach, they are killing him”… it’s all a show. Correctional officers are hush-hush after watching a life being taken, when it’s them who could have stopped it or deescalated the issue they strategically set up.
This has been happening since 2014 when MCU first opened. It was really bad in 2019. When me and other shot callers decided to stop playing their game and we were set up. So remember, fact-check, investigate, know what your tax-paying dollars are being used for… to murder people.
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