Irrational Fines
In the realm of irrational fines, through exhaustive research, I’ve uncovered the unconstitutional nature of imposing fines, fees, and restitution that far exceed reasonable bounds, rendering them virtually impossible to repay. Moreover, appending exorbitant interest rates to these fines only compounds the injustice, particularly for individuals without the means to earn income while incarcerated. Upon release, they confront the daunting challenge of rebuilding their lives amidst the stigma of a criminal record, compounded by wage garnishments to cover astronomical interest fees.
In Colorado alone, over a hundred thousand individuals are ensnared in this web of unpaid restitution, burdened further by a relentless 12% to 8% interest rate that exacerbates their financial plight. Despite legal challenges, the arbitrary amounts set by affluent judges remain unassailable. My personal ordeal serves as a testament to this systemic injustice, with my restitution swelling over time due to unconscionable interest rates, rendering repayment an elusive goal despite my earnest efforts.
Additionally, the ripple effects extend to family members who must provide financial support to their incarcerated loved ones, including funds for basic necessities and restitution amounts not their own. The absence of viable employment opportunities within the Colorado Department of Corrections further hampers individuals’ ability to settle their debts, as the paltry wages offered pale in comparison to the substantial profits reaped by external entities.
At E.M.P.I.R.E, our mission is to shine a light on these injustices and foster dialogue from diverse perspectives. Regardless of political affiliation or personal circumstance, every voice holds significance. As we delve deeper into the labyrinth of financial exploitation, we urge vigilance in following the money, even if the path leads to uncomfortable truths. Join us as we continue this crucial conversation. Thank you, and until next time, may you radiate resilience and shine brightly.
E.M.P.I.R.E – Art Director
Westley J. Ybarra