navigating, knotty, Roderrick Ferrell, transcript calculus, Hobbes vs Locke, ground hog day, Irrational Fines, enemy

Unveiling the Depths: Decision-Making in Mental Illness


Unveiling the Depths: Decision-Making in Mental Illness In the realm of psychiatric disorders, a shared characteristic among patients is their inclination toward poor decision-making, intricately linked to unfavorable real-life outcomes. This deficiency in reward-sensitive avoidance learning and temporal discounting has been documented in cases of depression. Beyond abnormalities in hedonic capacity, individuals with bipolar disorder…

navigating, knotty, Roderrick Ferrell, transcript calculus, Hobbes vs Locke, ground hog day, Irrational Fines, enemy

Navigating Life’s Challenges: A Personal Reflection Beyond Prison Boundaries


Navigating Life’s Challenges: A Personal Reflection Beyond Prison Boundaries When pondering my struggles, the question expands into a profound exploration. It’s not a new inquiry; historical figures like God, Napoleon, and Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf have faced it. Society often scrutinizes us with the same question, urging introspection at least once in our lives.…

Jordan Peterson

Revolutionizing Prison Reform: A Meek Warrior’s Guide Inspired by Jordan Peterson


Revolutionizing Prison Reform: A Meek Warrior’s Guide Inspired by Jordan Peterson In the landscape of prison reform, a distinctive approach emerges, aligning with an ethos of meaningful change. Renowned educator and media figure, Jordan Peterson, takes center stage in challenging conventional norms. Departing from the rebellious ethos of the ’60s, Peterson’s followers embrace wholesomeness as…