Rethinking Behavior Modification in Corrections: The Bold Role of Willingness, Cooperation, and Compassion


Rethinking Behavior Modification in Corrections: The Role of Willingness, Cooperation, and Compassion In the realm of corrections, the age-old debate between punitive measures and rehabilitative approaches continues to shape the landscape of behavior modification systems. Traditionally, punitive methods relying on reward and punishment have been the norm. However, a growing understanding of mental health nuances…

Not for human consumption, solitary confinement, classification,csp

Mental Health


Not For Human Consumption – Mental Health In the unsettling realm of Jefferson County Colorado’s county jail, I found myself grappling with a profound need for mental health treatment. It was a simple request, an admission of my struggles with depression and anxiety. The response was swift – a counselor assigned me to a Drug…

Prisoner's Dilemma

The Prisoner’s Dilemma in Justice: Unraveling Systemic Oppression


The Prisoner’s Dilemma in Justice: Unraveling Systemic Oppression In a stark examination of the justice system’s intricacies, the application of the Prisoner’s Dilemma and Nash Equilibrium reveals a web of systemic oppression. This concept, deeply rooted in game theory, unfolds in legal scenarios where cooperation could yield more just outcomes. Instead, individual interests often prevail,…

adrain raine stanton samenow

Navigating Perspectives on Criminal Behavior: Raine’s Biology vs. Samenow’s Accountability


Navigating Perspectives on Criminal Behavior: Raine’s Biology vs. Samenow’s Accountability In the realm of understanding criminal behavior, scholars Adrian Raine and Stanton Samenow present two divergent viewpoints, sparking debate within the field. This article aims to elucidate the differences between Raine’s “Anatomy of Violence” argument, rooted in biological determinism, and Samenow’s stance on personal accountability,…


Horrific Conditions in Solitary Confinement in Alabama Prisons


Horrific Conditions in Solitary Confinement in Alabama Prisons In a recent report by the Montgomery Advertiser, it has been revealed that individuals incarcerated in Alabama face appalling conditions in solitary confinement, often culminating in tragic outcomes. EMPIRE Foundation LLC, a staunch supporter of prison reform, raises awareness about the dire situation and calls for urgent…

Not for human consumption, solitary confinement, classification,csp



Not For Human Consumption – Solitary Solitary confinement is undeniably cruel and should be outlawed. Statistics reveal a haunting reality: three out of four inmates, subjected to solitary confinement for 14 continuous days or more, suffered from enduring mental health conditions. These afflictions encompass depression, anxiety, hypertension, and even schizophrenia. Moreover, the same statistics show…